The fee for mediation is € 210,- an hour plus 21% VAT, to be shared between parties for mediated values under € 500.000,-
Cross-border mediation is € 260,- an hour plus 21% VAT.
Dutch legal aid program will be applied for the party that qualifies(for conditions check Dutch Legal Aid Board:
Legal Quickscan: 45 minute-talk with Dutch legal expert for € 121,- incl VAT
Need quick first advise on your legal problem from outside the Netherlands? Or information on strategy how to deal with your legal problem related to Dutch law?
You can ask all your questions and advise on Dutch legal problems and how to approach them in a 45 minute skype conference with Arno Diederen, 25 year long Dutch Bar attorney and 15 year long legal mediator.
Please send a mail to, or send a skypemessage to diederenmediator with your name, coordinates and propose three dates (and time).
I will get in touch with you to agree on a date and after having received € 121,- on bankaccount IBAN NL96ABNA0474327183 (BIC: ABNANL2A) in the name of Diederen Mediator Advocaat, Amsterdam, Netherlands, you will be skyped on time and date as agreed. Please mark your payment with: ‘Legalquickscan + your NAME”.