Mediation is negotiation facilitated by a trusted neutral person.
Knowing what fighting in court is about as an attorney at law for over 25 years, I can facilitate parties and guide them to an agreement in ’the shadow of the law’ to reach an internationally binding agreement.
The role of the neutral – the mediator – is to help those involved sort out their issues and arrive at a consensus. That might involve finalizing an agreement, resolving a dispute, developing effective communications, building or improving relationships, or all of these things. Mediators do not take sides.
Mediation is a confidential process where what was discussed or agreed in private is not disclosed to others without everyone’s agreement.
Where mediation is used to try to avoid or resolve a dispute, and if the mediation does not result in an agreement, the parties can still go to court. Details about what went on at the mediation will not be disclosed or used at a court hearing.