Divorce mediation in the Netherlands can lead to a international binding divorce. In the past years I served over 125 couples from all over the world with a one-stop mediation. When you have a link with the Netherlands, like (one of you) is having Dutch nationality, or is residing in the Netherlands or both of you are staying abroad with Dutch nationality, you can contact me about possibilities.
I can facilitate a mediation to resolve divorce- or parentship related problems like alimony, parental responsabilities and a parental plan, apportionment of properties, or prenuptial agreement- related matters.
Divorce Settlement Agreement
After exploring your differences of opinion, either at my office or through skype, we work towards a divorce settlement agreement. After the first session you will be sent by email a first draft for a settlement agreement. You can look it over at home and get back to me with questions and remarks. When all differences are dealt with and you are fully informed about emotional, legal and some fiscal consequences, the text can be signed and made final to bring it to court as a petition for divorce.
Consequently, as a lawyer to both of you I can file a petition for divorce on mutual consent in any Dutch High Court (Rechtbank).
To bring a case to court the following official papers are required:
- the original marriage certificate;
- the original birth certificate of minor children
- when you have non-Dutch Nationality and no BSN Number: an ‘uittreksel uit de Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie’ which states your address in the Netherlands, your nationality and the date since when you were registered at the actual address.